
Scattered Heart Chain- Chapter 11 (Pt.1)

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The legend of Link:

Scattered Heart Chain


-Two days, linked stories-


-Hello, birdie! Me lost. Cans birdie help Berry get back to Linky?

-You are talking to me?- Asked the bird who was in a cage inside a dark room.

-Yes! Berry talking to you!

-Well, I would help you, but I’m inside this cage.

-Why you in cage?

-My master’s father instructed the guards to put me here. I miss Prince Link a lot, but I can’t get out.

-Prince name is Linky, too? My master’s name Link!

-Really? Well, what a coincidence. And hey, maybe I can help you after all. I’ll tell you were to go! Just promise me you will tell my Link where I am, so he can get me out.

-Okay! Berry helps birdie.

-Ha, ha! What an interesting creature- He chirped as he moved back and forth on a long stick inside his cage- My name is Pipit, by the way. Nice to meet you, Berry.

-Nice to meet Pipit!

-Okay, now--- Oh, I don’t think you can see, huh?

-No, but Berry listens good and feels on his tummy.

-Very well. Do you know where your Link is?

-Some room. Recovery room, I thinks Linky sick.

-Oh, okay! Look, just go over there till you touch the wall and slide all the way forth until you find the stairway. You know, floors of many levels.


-Then, go down ‘til the wall again, and turn left. Follow the second stairway down.

-Berry gets it!

-Good boy! Now, once you are at the bottom, look for a whole in a wall. I’m pretty sure you got here through there. There is no other way. That’s probably why my prince hasn’t found me.

-Yes! Berry remembers coming here through tight place.

-Then there you have it!- He chirped happily- Oh, and, do you speak human?

-Yes! Berry speaks little human. No very good, but Linky understands.

-Then, please, tell Prince Link a part of my wings was cut. I can’t fly. Tell him I’m sorry.

-Ah! - The Chu gasped- Pipit okay?

-Yes, I will be. Go ahead, Berry.

-Umm, yes. Berry tell princy.

-Thank you.


-Vell, looks like he finally voke up, eh?

-Yes, darling- Replied Time, who held Twi within his arms.

-Good, because he vill need to eat some breakfast, and you too.

-But… I’m not hungry- Said Twi in a low and sleepy voice.


-It does not masser, Twi. You need to eat. I know it vill be hard at first, but you need energy.

-Mmm…- Exhaled the ill boy, closing his eyes tightly trying to hide his face over Time’s chest.

-Dear, just do as Lieb says, yes? We only want you to feel better.


-Very vell. I vill tell the maids to bring Twi’s food up here. His meals are special and enhanced to bring out all of zeir nutrients. Zere is not much time for him to recover, so ve vill try to make ze best out of every second.

-That’s great, darling. I’ll eat once he is done. I’m pretty sure this beautiful boy will need my help.

-Heh, heh! Ja. I vill be back in a moment – He walked outside the room.


-Yes, darling?

-Thank you for helpin’ me.

-There is no problem, beautiful. I am happy being able to help you. I would do anything for you, dear.

-And, umm… Where are the other guys?

-They are probably eating something before they depart.

-Are you leaving too?

-What? No, darling. I’m staying here with you.

-Are you sure? I feel so useless right now…

-Look, sweetie, you are not useless, but it’s normal to feel like that when you are hurt. Don’t think so much about it; try to relax.

-But what if they need your help wherever they are going?

-Darling, the person who needs my help for the time being is you. I’m staying here to make sure you feel better- He gently aided Twi to sit more comfortably on his lap- Sky and Windy will be okay. They also have Engi and Albi to help them.

-Albi…- Twi began to remember the boy who sat beside him and held his hand- I thought he was in my dreams--- cof, cof !- He was interrupted by his sudden coughing- Ow… It hurts when I cough- He placed one of his hands over his throat- And I still don’t know who the other person is- He rested his head over Time’s shoulder.

-He is the boy who brought us here, and he looks just like Windy.

-I guess I owe him… one…- He said slowly, falling asleep.

-Hey! Sweetie, wake up- Time moved his arm that was placed behind Twi’s back and neck lightly to interrupt his sleeping.

- Sorry…- He placed his hand over his face with his eyes still shut.

-Open those pretty, blue eyes, dear.

- They feel so heavy- He tried to open his eyes repeatedly- And… why am I naked?

-Darling, you are wearing a nightgown.

-A very short nightie- He yawned- And I have nothin’ under it. I could easily lift it up and go “Woo-hoo, where’s the party?”

-Ha, ha, ha, ha!- Giggled Time as he heard the boy’s comment- Ah, darling! At least your sense of humor is shining a bit today--- Should I worry about that?

- I don’t know- He began to subtly swing his legs back and forth- I’m a Zora.

-Yes, I should worry at least a bit now.

-I met a person when I died, and he looked like you.

            Time looked into the boy’s lost stare.

-And what happened, beautiful?

- He told me to live happy- He began to play with his hands- And then he took me to meet other people.

-He sounds like a nice person, sweetie- He held the boy closer to himself- Who did he take you to meet?

- He took me to a place, but I can’t remember well. There was a lady, who sang very pretty, and I knew that song, but I didn’t know I knew it until I heard her. It was like a memory- He continued to narrate, slightly slurring words.

-Do you know who she---

-Guten Morgen. Sorry to interrupt. I am Prince Link’s attendant – Said the person who carried a concealed tray- He told me to bring ziss to you-She placed the tray on a table in front of Time- My comrade vill bring up some fresh wasser in a few moments, too.

-Thank you- Replied Time, taking the top off the tray.

            The mature woman bowed before the young man and left.

-Well, sweetie, it’s time to fill that tummy!

-Can I tell you the rest of the story between spoonfuls?

-Of course you can, darling- Replied Time, taking an average-sized spoon in his fingers to pick up the mushed-up contents within a white, porcelain bowl- Open wide, sweetheart.

            Twi opened his mouth only big enough to fit half of the spoon inside of it.

-Darling, I said “wide”- He placed the spoon between Twi’s lips allowing the boy to only take what he felt like from it- Remember, you have to eat it all--- Is it good?

-Mmm-mmm- He constantly moved his jaw, letting his tongue subtly out at moments to lick the rest of the pudding-like meal left over his lips- It’s a bit sweet, and fruity. I like that, but the consistence is a bit… funny- He said, looking away.

-A bit funny?- Time wondered and took a look at the pudding that was left on the spoon- Oh… I… understand, dear. Heh, heh- He giggled a bit unsettled- Are you still willing to try and eat it, beautiful? I know it’s not the best consistence for you, but what you eat has to be easy on your throat and stomach.

-I’ll try- He looked back at Time and stared at him with his big, grayish, blue eyes.

-You have one of the most beautiful pair of eyes ever created, dear- He placed the spoon back in Twi’s mouth- Eat the rest. And don’t worry. We’ll do this one spoonful at a time- He pulled the spoon out and stoop towards Twi to kiss his cheek- Just try your best, yes?

-I… will- He nervously blushed as he placed both his legs and hands tightly together.

-That’s what I like to hear- He filled up the spoon once more- Now dear, tell me, what was that story you were telling me about?

-Oh, right.

-First, eat this- He continued to nourish the boy.

-Mmm- He quickly swallowed- That woman The Link with a red cape took me to…


-She- He had to swallow once more- She was… my mother.

            Time looked at the boy and instinctively left the spoon down next to the white bowl.

-What did she tell you, darling?

-She said I was a handsome and courageous man- His voice began to crack- And… She said that--- that she--- lo--loved me.

-Oh, sweetie- Time hugged the boy tightly- Everything is okay, beautiful.

-She said that- He spoke as he cried- She was sorry for not being able to help me- Twi covered his face with both hands. He kept panting and sniffing up his nose as his tears began to run down his arms- I… I just don’t know- He began to speak fast and he slurred words almost making it impossible for his speech to be understood- How she can be proud of me after all the things I’ve done, after all that I’ve let others do to me!

-Darling, none of this is your fault, and I assure you all she said is true- The man took Twi by one of his wrists with care trying to take the boy’s hand off his face- It’s okay, Link.

-You don’t know, Time… I did horrible things- He tried to dry his face as he placed his hands down.

-Can you tell me?


-Why not?

-Because I don’t want you to hate me. I feel you are the person I have left and I don’t want you to go.

-Beautiful, no matter what you tell me, I’ll stay here beside you. I will not hate you.

-You sure?

-I am, dear; I am.

-I…- He took a deep breath and began to tear up once more- I wish I didn’t cry so much, for starters- He sniffed his nose up- And… you know, the doctor is expensive…


-I wasn’t able to pay. I owe him a lot of rupees because I had to go each time I was hurt…

-Of course, sweetie.

-Well, I… I…--- I can’t do this…

-Darling, it’s okay- He kissed the boy’s forehead- I won’t judge you, or hate you, or hurt you, sweetie. You can do this- He took Twi’s hand and held it tightly inside his own.

-Okay…- He closed his eyes deeply trying to find the courage he was missing. The oppression in his stomach fostered by his nervousness was sharp, and he felt his body was shaking in fear. He opened his eyes slowly as he exhaled and was able to perceive the warmth of Time’s hand holding on to his own.

-It’s okay, beautiful.



-Since I was already being abused, I thought it wouldn’t matter… but it did.

            The expression on Time’s face was simply worrisome, but caring, and he waited patiently for Twi to tell him what he needed to say.

-Umm, Time… I--- I sold myself.

-What do you mean, darling?- He asked in a low and whispery tone.

-I allowed a man to do what those people who abused me did for some rupees… I sold myself for 5000 rupees, Time!- He shouted, violently as he loudly sobbed- I’m so sorry! PLEASE, DON’T HATE ME, TIME! DON’T HATE ME!

            Although the tall man was in shock by what he heard, and altered by Twi’s screaming, he merely embraced the boy closely, placing his face over his chest, making most of his sobbing slightly muted.

-Beautiful, I don’t hate you. I love you. Even if that happened, even if you made a mistake, I love you.

- I… love you, too- He said tiredly, then fell asleep once more.

- Darling… Oh, well. I suppose we’ll try to make you eat a bit later- He said and helped Twi lay down in bed, covering him with a warm blanket- Rest, dear.

            As soon as he covered the young man, he was able to overhear some distant sobbing, and it was more than one person. He slowly turned around and glanced at the door. To his surprise, Sky and Lieb along with a young man who carried a jar with water had just step inside the room. Sky was crying and Lieb had his only arm wrapped around him. Time stared at them for a moment, and then took a second glance outside of the room to notice where the rest of the crying voices came from: Windy and Engi were both trying to hold back their tears with no luck as Albi held both of them closely.

-Ah, well…- Time stood up firmly and looked at the others- I guess all I can add is that we all must be patient with him. You all know what happened now and how he feels about it. Do not pity him, darlings; don’t. Just do your best understand him, support him, and most importantly, show him that you love him; that you care.

-Vill do.

-Yes, Time- Sky rubbed his face with his sleeve- We came here to say good-bye for a short while- He walked towards Time, releasing from Lieb’s arm.

-Seeing you in your green tunic again makes me remember the kind of adventure we are headed to, dear.

-Windy is also wearing his own. And I am afraid it is time to depart.

-We have to do this.

-Please, take good care of Twi, Time. He needs thee.

-I will, darling. Lieb and I will do our best.

-Time!- Windy ran inside the room, pushing away everyone in his way to jump into the tall man’s arms- I’m going to, like, miss you a lot!- He hugged the man strongly with both his arms and legs.

-Aw, I’m going to miss you too, tiny. But don’t worry, we’ll be back together again, all of us.

-Remember to tell Twi he’s, like, very cool, okay?

- Heh, heh! Of course I will, son- Said Time and placed the boy down.

- I want you to keep this. I was talking with Albi, Engi and Sky back when we were, like, having breakfast, and we thought that you could, like, keep one of this gossip stones with you and we could, like, stick to the other one to stay in touch- He concluded and handed one of the light blue stones to Time.

-Thank you, dear.

            As the boys kept talking, a little creature also made presence at the scene. He slid between Engi’s and Albi’s feet to poke his nose into the room.

-Berry?- Asked Lieb, being the first one to actually care about the Chu appearing there.

-Hello!--- Why all sad? Linky okay?

-Yes. Your owner is fine, Berry, he only vill need to rest a bit longer.

-Oh, okay! Why so many boys here? Berry can sniffy sniffy many boys.

-We came to, like, say good-bye, Berry. It’s only for a while, though.

-Okay. Berry says good luck! - He sled all the way into Twi’s bed and waited patiently for the room to be less crowded.

-I think it’s all settled now- Said one of the boys that was still outside the room- It’s time to go.

-Yes, Albi- Replied Sky- I wish thou the best, Time- He hugged the man- I shall meet thee later.

-See you later, dear.

-Bye!- Said the rest of the kids in chorus, and so, they walked away.

-Vell, ziss vill be a handful, but I have great faiz in Twi, and I know you have more than faiz in him, Time.

-You know… I’m starting to think you were all right. Maybe I do like him.

-Heh, heh! Such a lovely man, as I said before.

-…- The young man who carried the crystal clear jar with water could only stand there and wonder what all the commotion was about.


Time and Twi- Lieb’s Land-The Castle- Day 1

-Ah, good job, darling! You are all done!- Said Time placing the spoon he was holding inside an empty white bowl.

-I was hungry when I woke up.

-Maybe the fact you were so nervous was what was keeping you from eating, sweetheart.

-I think so.

-And now, you need to drink some water- He carefully poured water into a glass, which was a bit hard considering one of his arms was behind the boy on his lap- There we have it.

-Can I try drinkin’ it on my own?

-Yes, darling- Said Time and held the glass in front of Twi.

-Thank you- Said Twi, taking the glass with both his hands. They were slightly shaking, thus making a few drops wet himself and Time- I’m sorry- He placed the edge of the crystal object between his lips and slowly drank all the water in it.

-Well done, beautiful- Said Time placing the glass away from Twi’s hands on the table in front of them.

-Time, what are those bottles filled with?- Asked Twi, looking at the other half of the table, where many transparent bottles with labels on them were standing.

-Lieb made those for you. He said they are lotions specially brewed for your needs, sweetie. One is for your legs, another one for your feet, another for your face, your arms, your hands… and so on.

-Really? There are so many. I hope I don’t forget to put them on- He said reaching the smallest container to look at it.

-Don’t worry; I’ll make sure to remember for you, dear.

-So you’ll be rubbin’ lotion all over my body; such a sacrifice.

-Heh, heh! Darling...

-What? I can see you are lookin’ forward to that.

-Aren’t you scared, beautiful?

-A bit. If another person had to do that for me, I’d be terrified- He looked at his reflection over the small bottle in his hands.

-So you are fine with it because it’s me, sweetie?

-Yeah… You’ve been very nice to me, even when I wet the bed- He blushed slightly- I don’t think someone else would be able to deal with me.

-Ah, darling. You were having an awful nightmare. I don’t think wetting the bed should be something that makes you ashamed.

-I want to believe that, Time--- And, what’s this body lotion for?

-Lieb said that smaller bottle contains something for the dark circles under your eyes.

-It looks slimy and green… I like it.

-I thought you didn’t, sweetie.

-Slimy and green or any other color is okay, except for slimy and white. Ugh! - He shuddered at that thought of what he said placing the bottle where it belonged- So creepy…

-Don’t even think about that, beautiful- He kissed the boy’s temple- And I am sorry to inform you this, but we have to stand up. We have to make sure you can walk correctly within the next two days and this one.

-Oh, okay.

            Time sat Twi at the edge of the bed to stand up himself first. Then, he leaned close to the boy to making sure he would be able to catch him if he tripped. Twi stood up slowly using the walls around the hidden bed as support. He noticed his legs hurt and his knees bended almost on their own.

-Uh… I’m scared.

-Don’t worry. Try to take one step, beautiful. I’ll be here to catch you if you need me to.

-Mm-hmm…- He nodded, took a deep breath, and made his best effort to take the step Time asked him for.

    As expected, the poor boy was not able to do so, as soon as he placed one of his feet in front of the other to advance, his legs weakened almost making him fall.

-Ah!- He gasped softly, finding himself inside of Time’s arms.

-It’s okay, darling; it’s okay- Time comforted the boy, helping him stand up- Are you hurt?- He looked directly into Twi’s eyes as he smiled with the most peaceful and loving look in his face.

-I--- ah--- No, no. I’m fine- He replied and blushed- Your eyes are so turquoise, heh, heh.

-I think I make you nervous, but that’s fine. Now, I’ll help you head to the restroom so you can do whatever you need to do. After that, you need to take a bath. Once that is all done, we’ll be using the lotions Lieb left for you. Yes, darling?


-That’s my boy.

            Time took Twi to the restroom. Afterward, he made sure to prepare the boy’s bath exactly how Lieb had instructed him, from pouring the exact quantity of the enriched extracts the prince had prepared, to check if the water had the right temperature.

-I think this is ready, dear- He said sticking his hand out of the water- You can take your nightgown off- He looked at the young man sitting on a small stairway that lead to the sunken part of the floor in Lieb’s fancy recovery room that worked as a tub- You can do this, dear.


-What’s wrong, sweetie?

-My body is different from that time when we all bathed together.

-If this helps you in any way, darling, I have already seen you nude in this body. There’s nothing you should be ashamed of.

- I trust you, Time- Replied Twi, taking his nightie, as he called it, off his body.

-You are beautiful, dear- Added Time helping the other you man into the tub.

-Ah…- Twi softly sighed, closing his eyes as he felt the warmth of the water over his body.

-Well, by that, I can tell you are enjoying it.

-Thank you, Time.

-You’re welcome, sweetie.

-I wanted to ask you something.

-What is it?

-Where’s Berry?

-Oh, right. He took Lieb somewhere. I am not sure where to.

-But he’s doin’ okay, right?

-Yes, dear.

-And what about Epona? Do you know somn’?

-Yes. Your friend Viscen is taking care of her.

-Ah, I’m relieved. Time, are Windy and Sky okay, too? Windy is a kid, and Sky worries too much about others. You know, back in Skyloft, I remember Sky told me somn’ about him havin’ two personalities.

-Really?- Asked Time, intrigued as he remembered how Sky reacted back at the train- How so, dear?

-He said somethin’ about bein’ nice, and all of sudden bein’ aggressive and possessive. That’s what I remember.

-I see… And, well, I assume they are okay, but honestly, I feel I’ve been a bit more into your situation than their’s lately. Sorry, darling.

-Oh, that’s alright, but ask them later.

-I think we can do that, but first make sure to relax and enjoy the bath, sweetie.

- I noticed my wounds are glowin’. Is it because of the healin’?

-Yes, dear--- Oh, I almost forgot! I have to wash your hair. Let me get what I need- Said Time standing up from the border of the tub to fetch some artifacts from inside a closet- Here it is- He closed the closet and went back to Twi.

-What’s that?

-Some towels, this thing they call shampoo, which I’ve never heard about before---unless not under that name--- and some other liquids that will make it to your head in a few moments.

-That all sounds scary. Do it quickly.

-Heh, heh! Sure, sweetie.

            Time began to wash Twi’s hair carefully, but trying to be speedy, as the boy asked him. A few minutes later, he was done, and gladly helped the boy out of his bath. He rubbed one towel rapidly over his hair to make it stop dripping, and helped him dry the rest of his body. Time gently handed the nightgown to the boy, who put it on rapidly. The tall man lifted the boy in his arms and took him out of the bathing room, back to the recovery chamber.

-Here. I will finally place you back on the bed- He said and did exactly as he told.

-I feel a lot better. Thanks.

-Do you think you can read something while I help you with the lotions, dear?

-Uh, I guess.

-Gloom left this for you- Time retrieved a black piece of paper from beneath a pillow- He said we should give it to you once you felt a bit better.

            Twi took the note to unfold it, looked at it from top to bottom, and turned it around over and over.

-Do you have a mirror?

-Dim left one here, actually- Time went across the room and grabbed the mirror, taking it back to Twi.

-This is… my mirror- He said, placing the note Gloom left him side by side with the reflective artifact.

-What are you doing, dear?

-Gloom writes backwards. All shadows do. I’ll try to read it:

    “Link, sorry for leavin’ you all of a sudden. Things happened, I had to care for my own flesh before yours. Anyway, I want to tell you how many past events occurred, my friend. I was the one who made you have that dream with your friend, Sky. I apologize for abusing your mind. I also want to tell you that I got rid of one of the men who hurt you; I killed that nasty beast with my own hands. He won’t hurt you anymore; never! (…)”


-He… got rid of him?- Twi began to gasp for air, but continued to read the note as he could, only that this time he did it for himself, not for Time to listen, too:

    “Link, do your best to recover. I can’t keep my promise as firmly as I would have wanted to because of this situation I drove into. I can’t be by your side at any moment you need me as of now. I regret it, yes; but there isn’t much I can do. All I can assure is that you should trust Time. I can’t be there for you, but he can. He would do anythin’ for you, anythin’! That man loves you with every single piece of his heart, Link! Don’t let that go to waste. Tell him what you feel---I know what you feel for him. Don’t deny it. Remember you guys won’t be able to be together forever. He comes from the past, and in his eyes, you belong in the future. One day, my friend, you will be torn apart, enjoy the moments you have left to be together, even if only few! Link, don’t waste it. Don’t. Uh… Sometimes I hate havin’ a heart. How can you handle it? Say Hi to Berry for me.”

-kniL (Gloom)

            Twi put the note down along with the mirror. He took a moment to digest the words Gloom had written over that piece of paper, and he looked back at Time.

-Is something wrong, darling? What did the note say?

-Nothin’- He replied, rapidly wrapping his arms around Time’s neck, pulling him down to the bed with him. Although he was weak, he was able to make Time lose balance, making him land on top of him.

-Sweetie, what are you doing? - Asked Time, verifying he was not hurting the boy underneath him.

-I… I just want you hug me, that’s all.

-If that’s what you want, dear, I will- He said and proceeded to effusively hug Twi- Remember we still have to use the lotions, darling.

-I know.

-Let me get up to reach them- He said and carefully loosened his arms from Twi- I also have good news- He took one of the bottles in his hand along with the stone Windy had left him- I’m going to start with your arms, darling. And please, take this- He handed the stone to the boy.

-What is it?

-You said you wanted to know how Windy and Sky were doing. Say something to the stone and your message will be sent to them.


-Quite magical, huh, dear? --- Give me an arm, beautiful.

            Time helped “his sweetie” rub on the lotions Lieb had left for him as Twi spoke into the glowing, blue stone Windy left behind.

-Oh, darling, please ask them if Epona is doing fine, yes?

-Mm!- He nodded- Oh, and Time asks, “Is Epona okay?” Bye!- Twi placed the stone underneath a pillow- I hope they reply soon…

-They shall, son. Now- He proceeded to put one bottle away and take a new one- I think you would prefer to use this lotion on your own…

-Why? What is it for?

            Time stared back at Twi and smiled sweetly.

-Oh… I… eww.

-Ha, ha! It’s okay, dear.

-Can we leave it for last?

-Yes, but---

-Zere’s no escaping from it- Interrupted Lieb, carrying Berry in his arm and having Pipit, his bird, on his shoulder- I brought your friend- He placed the Chu on Twi’s lap.

-Hi, Berry! Where had chu been? Where?- He continued to “baby talk” at the purple goo ball as he played with it, violently moving his hands all over it, making Berry happily lick him and bite him back- I wuv chu, too, Bewy!--- Now get off – He pushed the Chu back into his bed.

-Ha, ha! Darling, what was all that about?

-That’s how we play. Right, Berry?

-Yes!- He replied whirling among the bed’s sheets.

-And dear- Time looked back a Lieb- Pipit is with you! Where was he?

-Zat. Berry vas ze one hoo took me to Pipit. He vas inside a cage. I only hope his feazers grow again soon. He cannot fly- Lieb caressed the yellow bird’s neck, making him fluff- Going back to ze topic- He looked at Twi- You must use every lotion if you vant to feel besser.

- I “vill”, I “vill”. I’ll use “ze lotions”- Replied Twi, nicely.

-Heh, heh--- You are good imitating my accent- Lieb smiled- I am glad you are feeling vell. Oh, Time, after ziss, please go outside for a walk. Zen, come back to eat your meals. After, zat, you vill help Twi vith some exercises. Finally, you vill have dinner.

-Got it!- Replied Time, energetic.

-Very vell- He said and left the room.

-Time, can you really remember all of that?

-Of course I can, sweetie. Remember, they don’t call me Time by no reason. I’m good with chronology.

            From under a pillow, an echoing sound perturbed the room. Twi looked at the source of such noise, taking out the gossip stone in his hands.

-You were right. That was fast!

-A lot… Well, let’s see what they have to say, dear!

                        “Hello! Ah, Twi, thou sound so much healthier! (…)”

-Oh, man! Is he screamin’?- Asked Twi, extending his arm to make the stone apart.

-He must be happy- He replied, pressing one of his fingers into his ear- Very happy, heh, heh!

    “And where shall I start? Well, I must inform thee that we have not found Epona. Do forgive me. Windy and I are not in the best form, I must add. There are many man-eating plants in Hyrule. But worry not! I am extremely excited to know what thou want to tell me! Is it a secret? I hope to be back by thy side shortly; I have missed thou critically! I love thee, Twi! And I love Time, too! Do take care, please! Smuack!”

-… We just got kissed, Time.

-I noticed.

            Both men stared at each other and couldn’t help to laugh.

-Ha, ha! Sky is such a joyous boy, dear.

-Heh, heh. He really is.

-And… you look beautiful when you smile.

-Uh? What? I… I wasn’t smilin’.

-You were, dear. And you have a lovely smile; you do- He kissed Twi’s forehead.

            Twi was about to kiss Time back, but he was able to hear some distant running, being distracted by it.

-Can you hear that, Time?

-What? I hear nothing, darling.

-Maybe it’s my imagination, but I think I heard Sky’s footsteps.

-But… how?- He tried to listen carefully, but his senses were not as sharp as Twi’s.

To be continued in Pt.2

Twi's recovery is taking some time. In a hope to uncover what this adventure is about, Windy and Sky travel to Time's land with the help of Engi. After 10 days of wandering around Hyrule, they discover the meaning of their journey reamains unclear. Added, Albi's health is endangered due to left over bits of his own travels...

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